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It is well known that information arrival has an impact on prices volatility, and trading volume in financial markets (see e.g., Goodhart and O'Hara 1997). Scheduled macroeconomic announcements, such as monthly employment figures, consumer prices, or building permits, stand out from the steady...
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Asset price processes are completely described by information processes and investors' preferences. In this paper we derive the relationship between the process of investors ́expectations of the terminal stock price and asset prices in a general continous time pricing kernel framework. To...
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Flexibles Carsharing bietet in den Städten eine Alternative zum privaten PKW-Besitz. Der mögliche Beitrag dieser Dienstleistungen zu einer Reduktion der Autoanzahl wird aber immer wieder kontrovers diskutiert. Die empirische Datenbasis zu dieser Frage ist bisher noch relativ klein. Die...
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This report describes the design, data, and main results of an online survey (i.e., the "Judging Without Knowing" survey) that was conducted between October 2017 and June 2018 with more than 2,000 registered members on Clickworker (a commercial survey company in Germany). The survey was...
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A general concern with the representativeness of online surveys is that they exclude the "offline" population that does not use the internet. We run a large-scale opinion survey with (1) onliners in web mode, (2) offliners in face-to-face mode, and (3) onliners in face-to-face mode. We find...
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A large literature studies subjective beliefs about economic facts using unincentivized survey questions. We devise randomized experiments in a representative online survey to investigate whether incentivizing belief accuracy affects stated beliefs about average earnings by professional degree...
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