Showing 1 - 10 of 41
We investigate the cases when the Bonacich measures of strongly connected directed bipartite networks can be … utilitity functions, where the matrices representing the network have dimension m × n. For connected directed bipartite networks … Bonacich measures of such networks can be interpreted as a subgame perfect equilibrium path of an extensive form game with …
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An undirected connected bimodal network has two Bonacich measures quantifying the centrality of the nodes. We show that the product of Bonacich measures of an undirected bimodal network may be viewed as a product measure that is nearest (w.r.t. Euclidean norm) to the matrix representing the...
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This paper studies Finnish firms and especially it's boardroom network and the effects that it has on financial actions. Compared with earlier studies, this study also takes into consideration both firms that are not connected and uses them as a natural comparison, as well as principal component...
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We study axiomatically recursive clustering methods for networks. Such methods can be used to identify community …
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This paper presents a new approach for modelling the connectedness between asset returns. We adapt the measure of Diebold and Yılmaz (2014), which is based on the forecast error variance decomposition of a VAR model. However, their connectedness measure hinges on critical assumptions with...
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In this paper, we focus on the interconnectedness of banks and the price they pay for liquidity. We assess how the concentration of credit relationships and the position of a bank in the network topology of the system influence the bank’s ability to meet its liquidity demand. We use quarterly...
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realistic interbank networks that preserve important characteristics of the original interbank market. The method loads the most … probable links with the largest exposures consistent with the total lending and borrowing of each bank, leading to networks …
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Although blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have grown in popularity over the past years, there does not seem to be a consensus if they bring any value to economic interactions. In this paper, I argue that a fundamental value the blockchain provides is commitment. I develop a model of an...
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social or inventor networks, and apart from colocation geographic distance is of little relevance to collaboration. This …
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