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. Based on German government bond yieldsfrom September 1972 to May 2019,we construct a rolling window of bond ladders where …
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Bond excess returns can be predicted by macro factors, however, large parts remain still unexplained. We apply a novel … term structure model to decompose bond excess returns into expected excess returns (risk premia) and the unexpected part … possible determinants of bond excess returns. We find that the expected part of bond excess returns is driven by macro factors …
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in price dispersion. TRACE-associated decreases in crossfund bond mark dispersion provide indirect support for …
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During the global financial crisis, stressed market conditions led to skyrocketing corporate bond spreads that could …-variations in the relationship between systematic risk factors and corporate bond spreads. First, we apply Bayesian model averaging …
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In this paper we ‘update’ the option implied probability of default (option iPoD) approach recently suggested in the literature. First, a numerically more stable objective function for the estimation of the risk neutral density is derived whose integrals can be solved analytically. Second,...
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This paper examines the effect of reduced self-control on debt-taking in a laboratory experiment. We manipulate self-control using an ego depletion task and show that it is effective. Following the ego depletion task, participants can anonymously buy hot drinks on credit. We find no significant...
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This paper studies the implications of agents signaling their moral type in a lying game. In the theoretical analysis, a signaling motive emerges where agents dislike being suspected of lying and where some types of liars are more stigmatized than others. The equilibrium prediction of the model...
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Our study compares individual and team bidding in standard auction formats: first-price, second-price and ascending-price (English) auctions with independent private values. In a laboratory experiment, we find that individuals overbid more than teams in first-price auctions and deviate more from...
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We test whether and, if so, how incentives to promote pro-social behavior affect the extent to which it spills over to subsequent charitable giving. To do so, we conduct a two-period artefactual field experiment to study repeated donation decisions of more than 700 participants. We vary how...
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We analyze both theoretically and empirically how monetary incentives and information about others’ behavior affect dishonesty. We run a laboratory experiment with 560 participants, each of whom observes a number from one to six with there being a payoff associated with each number. They can...
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