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Estimating the returns to migration from East to West Germany, this paper focuses on pre-migration employment dynamics … market outcomes, with a large drop in earnings and employment during the last few months before migration. We find sizeable … positive earnings and employment gains of migration both in comparison to staying or job change. The size of the gains varies …
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The paper provides historical and analytical perspectives for the assessment of the challenges and opportunities of cattle raising activities in the transition towards a lowcarbon agriculture in Brazil. It is organized as follows. The next section presents long run historical perspectives on the...
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This paper discusses the question of the concentrated pattern of agricultural development in Brazil, as expressed in the predominance of large-scale production, high level of mechanization and low absorption of non-qualified labor. It is proposed, initially, the existence of two conflicting...
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Empirical evidence indicates local jurisdictions are internally more heterogeneous than standard sorting models predict. We develop a dynamic multi-region model, with fluctuating regional house prices, where an owner-occupying household's location choice depends on its current wealth and its...
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We study the link between geographic political representation and geographic distribution of public goods within local jurisdictions using geo-coded data on politicians, the electorate and elementary school closures. We find that poorer neighborhoods are under-represented. Inequality in...
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Like many other countries, Germany has experienced rapid population and workforce ageing, yet with substantial variation across regions. In this paper we first use this spatial variation between 1975 and 2014 to estimate quasi- causal supply effects of ageing on regional labour market outcomes,...
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Does a high regional concentration of immigrants of the same ethnicity affect immigrant children's acquisition of host-country language skills and educational attainment? We exploit the exogenous placement of guest workers from five ethnicities across German regions during the 1960s and 1970s in...
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investment, capital-labor substitution, or regional migration. This leaves crowding-out as the most plausible mechanism. …
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In this article, we examine anti-foreigner hate crime in the wake of the large influx of asylum seekers to Germany in 2014 and 2015. By exploiting the quasi-experimental assignment of asylum seekers to German regions, we estimate the causal effect of an unexpected and sudden change in the share...
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(decreases) the employment level, if the union represents (does not represent) migrant workers. -- migration ; welfare state …
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