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consumption data. Allowing for the existence of measurement error in micro income, durables, finite lifetimes of consumers, and …In this paper I study a model of life-cycle consumption in which individuals react optimally to their own income … react too little to aggregate income variation. Aggregate consumption will be excessively smooth. Since aggregate …
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This paper tests whether the Ricardian Equivalence proposition holds in a life cycle consumption laboratory experiment … not hold in general. Our results suggest that taxation has a significant and strong impact on consumption choice. Over the … life cycle, a tax relief increases consumption on average by about 22% of the tax rebate. A tax increase causes consumption …
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such anticipation-biases in a framework where consumers adapt to earlier consumption levels through a habit …
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-)variance of power plant profits. If investors are risk-averse, these differ- ences lead to divergent investment portfolios …, breaking the equivalence of price- and quantity-based policy instruments under risk-neutrality. Using the European power sector … with increasing risk aversion. …
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We extend the canonical income process with persistent and transitory risk to shock distributions with left …-skewness and excess kurtosis, to which we refer as higher-order risk. We estimate our extended income process by GMM for household … show that in a standard incomplete-markets life-cycle model, first, higher-order risk has sizable welfare implications …
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The adoption decision for durable goods is intertemporal by definition. However, estimating utility and discount functions from revealed preference data using dynamic discrete choice models is difficult because of an inherent identification problem. To overcome this issue, we use stated...
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as less risk-seeking. To understand the underlying causes and mechanisms, we propose a framework of how parental …
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Stated survey measures of risk preferences are increasingly being used in the literature, and they have been compared … to revealed risk aversion primarily by means of experiments such as lottery choice tasks. In this paper, we investigate … educational choice, which involves the comparison of risky future income paths and therefore depends on risk and time preferences …
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