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To simultaneously consider mixed-frequency time series, their joint dynamics, and possible structural changes, we introduce a time-varying parameter mixed-frequency VAR. To keep our approach from becoming too complex, we implement time variation parsimoniously: only the intercepts and a common...
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that time in general resilient to the default of large banks, i.e. did not exhibit substantial contagion risk. Even though …
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real economic activity growth, in line with a risk shock. Conversely, a certainty shock (a shock strongly decreasing …
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This paper uses the method developed by Bollerslev and Todorov (2011b) to estimate risk premia for extreme events for … method to German data yields very similar results to the ones shown for the US data. The risk premia for rare events … constitute a considerable part of the total equity and variance risk premia for both markets. When using the results to build an …
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portfolio, one for market risk and one for credit risk. Similar approaches are common in banks’ internal models for economic … capital. Although it is known that joint market and credit risk of certain investments can be larger than the sum of risks … holdings or CDS portfolios – are also affected. There are realistic conditions under which credit risk (represented by ratings …
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literature. First, a numerically more stable objective function for the estimation of the risk neutral density is derived whose …
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The Value at Risk approach (VaR) is more and more used as a tool for risk measurement. The approach however has … shortcomings both from a theoretical and a practical point of view. VaR can be classified within existing concepts of risk … measurement: it is particularly interpretable as a special measure of shortfall risk. From that point of view VaR will be extended …
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