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probabilities, on reduced-form credit risk stress testing. This type of uncertainty is omnipresent in most macroeconomic stress … testing applications due to short time series for banks' portfolio risk parameters and highly collinear macroeconomic … distributions and implied capital shortfalls by conducting a full-edged top-down credit risk stress test for over 1,500 German banks …
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This paper deals with stress tests for credit risk and shows how exploiting the discretion when setting up and … probabilities are less exposed to model and estimation risk. In addition, the risk horizon over which the stress default … extensive robustness checks for model-based credit risk stress tests. …
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Standardized Approach leads to an up to 33% lower stress impact relative to the more risk-sensitive "pseudo-IRB" approach. …
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recourse to central bank finance is rather limited and does not affect the risk-taking behaviour of banks in the non …
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Our analysis finds that despite the growing number, the majority of savings banks currently do not make any payouts. Furthermore, savings banks distribute only a small part of their net profit to the shareholders. This means that they can still build up capital even if they make payouts. Savings...
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In this paper, we consider models of price-mediated contagion in a banking networkof common asset holdings. For these models, the literature proposed two alternativeclasses of liquidation dynamics:threshold dynamics(banks liquidate their invest-ment portfolios only after they have defaulted),...
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supply. Exposed (unregulated) nonbanks buy the shed risk. AQR drives the results, not the end-of-year. After AQR compliance …
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requirements and, for example, have to ensure capital adequacy if the internal risk parameters are being stressed. The academic … scenarios which are selected on the basis of algorithms that consider historical characteristics of the risk factors …. Furthermore, banks' conventional credit risk models can be modified and used for stress testing. As stress testing is exposed to …
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This paper presents a framework for estimating losses in the residential real estate mortgage portfolios of German banks. We develop an EL model where LGD estimates are based on current collateral values and PD dynamics are estimated using a structural PVAR approach. We confirm empirically that...
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