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decisively on prevailing loan-to-value (LTV) ratios in mortgage markets with borrowing constrained households. Utilizing a smooth … housing sector in times of high LTV ratios, which, through changes in mortgage lending and mortgage equity withdrawals (MEWs …
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We analyze the inward and outward transmission of regulatory changes through German banks' (international) loan portfolio. Overall, our results provide evidence for international spillovers of prudential instruments, these spillovers are however quite heterogeneous between types of banks and can...
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We study the link between the global financial cycle and macroeconomic tail risks using quantile vector autoregressions. Contractionary shocks to financial conditions and monetary policy in the United States cause elevated downside risks to growth around the world. By tightening financial...
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We investigate whether frictions in US financial markets amplify the international propagation of US financial shocks. The dynamics of the US economy is modeled jointly with global macroeconomic and financial variables using a threshold vector autoregression that allows us to capture...
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We explore the effects of the ECB's unconventional monetary policy on the banks' sovereign debt portfolios. In particular, using panel vector autoregressive (VAR) models we analyze whether banks increased their domestic government bond holdings in response to non-standard monetary policy shocks,...
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price changes on mortgage credit supply. Based on approximately 33 million real estate online listings, we construct a … isolate the effect on mortgage credit supply by all local German banks. First, a RETT hike by one percentage point reduces HPI … the RETT leads to a 1.4% decline in mortgage lending. This transmission of fiscal policy to mortgage credit supply is …
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We show that exchange rate pass-through to consumer prices varies not only across countries, but also over time. Previous literature has highlighted the role of an economy's "structure" - such as its inflation volatility, inflation rate, use of foreign currency invoicing, and openness - in...
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the competition shock to the European textile sector, triggered by the 2001 removal of import quotas on Chinese textiles …
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German unifikation hit the West German economy in a prosperous and appeared as a huge demand shock at least for the … those resulting from the demand shock of German unification, to effect not only German trade flows, but also real variables …
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