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Nobel for their fundamental contributions to contract theory. This article offers a short summary and discussion of their …
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distribution of agents. We prove the existence of optimal mechanisms under minimal assumptions on the contract space and prove that … centralized contracting implemented via mechanisms is equivalent to delegated contracting implemented via a contract menu under …
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control sessions, incentives are formulated as a classic gain contract, while in treatment sessions, incentives are framed as … an isomorphic loss contract. Our results show that loss contracts reduce the minimum efforts of groups and worsen …
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We analyze the problem of a buyer who purchases a long-term project from one of several suppliers. A changing state of the world influences the costs of the suppliers. Complete contracts conditioning on all future realizations of the state are infeasible. We show that contractual incompleteness...
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Long-term minimum return guarantees sold by European life insurers increasingly become binding as interest rates decline. While participating contracts embedding these guarantees are designed to share market risk across investor cohorts when guarantees are not binding, we study how binding...
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I show that deterministic dynamic contracts between a principal and an agent are always at least as profitable to the principal as stochastic ones, if the so-called first-order approach in dynamic mechanism design is satisfied. The principal commits, while the agent's type evolution follows a...
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relationship is lower than it actually is. To induce truth-telling, the optimal relational contract may introduce distortions after …
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