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reference group. In a novel experiment, I vary whether or not members of a reference group obtain relative performance …
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In this paper, we investigate whether dynamic incentive schemes lead to a ratchet effect in a social dilemma. We test whether subjects strategically restrict their contribution levels at the beginning of a cumulative public goods game in order to avoid high obligations in the future and how this...
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The economic effects of environmental taxes depend on the market structure. Under imperfect competition with free entry and exit, environmental taxes have an impact on economies of scale by changing the number and size of firms. Whether economies of scale rise or fall in a particular industry...
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We conduct a series of Cournot duopoly market experiments with a high number of repetitions and fixed matching. Our treatments include markets with (a) complete cost symmetry and complete information, (b) slight cost asymmetry and complete information, and (c) varying cost asymmetries and...
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Despite the prevalence of non-routine analytical team tasks in modern economies, little is understood regarding how incentives influence performance in these tasks. In a series of field experiments involving more than 5,000 participants, we investigate how incentives alter behavior in teams...
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experiment. We find that there is a large share of consumers who reveal their private data. Particularly, less privacy …
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Brokesova, Deck and Peliova’s behavior-based pricing treatment and a follow-up experiment. Reference dependence seems to shift …
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dishonesty. We run a laboratory experiment with 560 participants, each of whom observes a number from one to six with there being …
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within-subject experiment in which subjects invest in a risky asset under full or limited liability. In both cases, before …
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avoidance in a real-effort setting. Our experiment offers three main results. First, we confirm that preferences for avoidance …
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