Showing 1 - 10 of 417
responses in microsimulation models. The paper focuses attention on two methodologies for modelling labour supply: the discrete … models for policy simulation in terms of producing and interpreting simulation outcomes, outlining an extensive literature of … responses but also for identifying optimal tax-benefit systems, given some of the challenges of the theoretical approach …
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changes on the intrahousehold allocation of income. We also simulate the consequences of a policy change in the tax system. We … spouses. These differences in outcomes have consequences for the evaluation of policy changes in the tax system and shed light …
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I estimate permanent and transitory tax-price and income elasticity of charitable giving in Germany using a rich panel … data of tax return for the years 2001-2006. Income tax reforms were implemented in 2004 and 2005. The results suggest that … the permanent tax-price elasticity varies significantly by income class, ranging from -0.2 for low incomes to -1.6 for …
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This paper studies the speed at which workers' pre-tax earnings respond to tax changes along the intensive margin. We … do so in the context of Germany, where a large discontinuity - or notch - in the tax schedule induces sharp bunching in …
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Traditionally, labour supply data do not include much information on hours and wages in secondary job or overtime work. In this paper, we estimate labour supply models based on survey information on hours and wages in overtime work and second job which is merged to detailed register information...
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This research evaluates the impact on German household labor supply of various subsidy schemes proposed to foster low-wage employment. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we estimate a discrete choice model of household labor supply. On the basis of the estimated labor supply...
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By using a bunching design on rich administrative tax records from Uruguay's tax agency we explore how individual … through employer-employee collusion. Our results suggest that policy efforts should be directed at broadening the tax base and … improving the enforcement capacities rather than eroding tax progressivity. …
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household production and formal child care to the wage rate, the price of child care, taxes, benefits and child care subsidies … child care. A policy simulation suggests that labor force participation and hours of market work would increase … substantially in a fiscal system based solely on individual rather than joint taxation. -- time use ; income tax ; child care …
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We estimate the responses of gross labor earnings with respect to marginal and average net-of-tax rates in France over … the period 2003-2006. We exploit a series of reforms to the income-tax and the payroll-tax schedules that affect … marginal net-of-income-tax rate is around 0.2, while we find no response to the marginal net-of-payroll-tax rate. The …
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