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As part of Germany’s fiscal response to the Covid-19 pandemic, parents received three payments totalling e450 per child. Randomization in the payment dates and daily scanner data allow us to identify the effects of these transfers on household spending. We find a significant but small spending...
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responses in microsimulation models. The paper focuses attention on two methodologies for modelling labour supply: the discrete … models for policy simulation in terms of producing and interpreting simulation outcomes, outlining an extensive literature of … responses but also for identifying optimal tax-benefit systems, given some of the challenges of the theoretical approach …
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We develop a behavioural micro simulation model (LuxTaxBen) that contains very precise information on income tax rules … model has been built specifically for analysing the Luxembourgish tax-transfer system whereby one can generate disposable … conditional on labour supply while income tax rules and the various welfare benefit-levels are complicated functions of earned and …
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overcome the lack of data by proposing a dynamic calibrated microsimulation approach to generate counterfactual income … using publicly available data and a household income generation model to perform the first calibrated simulation based upon …
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-financed. -- Micro simulation ; tax-benefit system ; in-work tax credit reform …The purpose of SWEtaxben is to evaluate the impact of changes in the tax/benefit systems on households as well as the … central governmental budget. Relating to the micro simulation literature this model can be labeled a static micro simulation …
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While Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) expansions are typically associated with improvements in maternal mental health … through direct tax credit, changes in labor supply and changes in health insurance coverage of participants. To disentangle …
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What are the effects of universal and permanent cash transfers on the labor market? Since 1982, all Alaskan residents have been entitled to a yearly cash dividend from the Alaska Permanent Fund. Using data from the Current Population Survey and a synthetic control method, we show that the...
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rates. Our analysis is based on a microsimulation model that accounts for the interactions between wages, the tax … examine this assertion for Germany, a welfare state with a relative generous means-tested social minimum and high marginal tax … a large extent be offset by reductions in means-tested welfare transfers and high marginal tax rates. Taking into …
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other benefits, including greatly reduced administrative complexity and cost. Using microsimulation analysis in a … BI is set matters, but its exact specification matters even more. Which parts of the existing tax-benefit system are …
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We study three budget-neutral reforms of the German tax and transfer system designed to improve work incentives for … people with low incomes: a feasible flat tax reform that provides a basic income which is equal to the current level of the … and full-time work, respectively. We estimate labor supply reactions and welfare effects using a microsimulation model …
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