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This paper proposes a protocol for considering the social cost of unemployment by taking into account three different … aspects: incidence, severity and hysteresis. Incidence refers to the conventional unemployment rate; severity takes in both … unemployment duration and the associated income loss; and hysteresis refers to the probability of remaining unemployed. The social …
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This paper analyses differences between unemployed and employed job seekers in job finding rates and in the quality of the job found. Compared to the unemployed, employed job seekers have a smaller pool of job offers that they consider acceptable; this leads to lower job finding rates but better...
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unemployment and its duration distribution. Using the SIPP, we document the relation between workers' (gross and net) occupational … mobility and unemployment duration over the long run and business cycle. To interpret this evidence, we develop an analytically … countercyclical net occupational mobility, the large volatility of unemployment and the cyclical properties of the unemployment …
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We conduct a field experiment to evaluate the effectiveness of labor market speeddates where unemployed workers meet temporary employment agencies. Our analysis shows that participation in such events increases immediate job finding by 6-7 percentage points. In the subsequent months, employment...
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market flows and reduce unemployment duration. Without attempting to evaluate the specific components of these Hartz reforms …
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How effective are effort targets? This paper provides novel evidence on the effects of job search requirements on effort provision and labor market outcomes. Based on large-scale register data, we estimate the returns to required job search effort, instrumenting individual requirements with...
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Social networks may affect workers' labor market outcomes. Using rich spatial data from administrative records, we analyze whether the employment status of neighbors influences the employment probability of a worker who lost his job due to a plant closure and the channels through which this...
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This paper analyses the potential impacts of introducing unemployment insurance (UI) in middle income countries using … unemployment and three employment sectors: formal and informal wage employment, and self employment. The parameters of the model … informal, formal and self employed workers. The results suggest that unemployment insurance would have only a modest negative …
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In response to the 2007-09 “Great Recession,” the maximum duration of U.S. unemployment benefits was increased from the … microdata from the Current Population Survey. I find that a 10-week extension of UI benefits raises unemployment duration by …
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using the micro-data, this paper shows that this state of non-searching unemployment or discouragement has increased more … some of the jobless with considerable movements between the two categories of unemployment. These findings from the first … unemployment, which includes discouraged workers. In response to these labour market challenges, the government should further …
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