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/productivity inequality. We investigate this link empirically in the context of road cycling. We show that the rise in performance inequality … in the peloton since the 1970s is merely due to a rise in within team performance inequality and consistent with a change …
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/productivity inequality. We investigate this link empirically in the context of road cycling. We show that the rise in performance inequality … in the peloton since the 1970s is merely due to a rise in within team performance inequality and consistent with a change …
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Which and how many attributes are relevant for the sorting of agents in a matching market? This paper addresses these questions by constructing indices of mutual attractiveness that aggregate information about agents' attributes. The first k indices for agents on each side of the market provide...
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and high-school graduates, ii) the rise in the college-premium, iii) the rise in within wage inequality iv) the … differential behavior of the between and within wage inequality in the 60s and 70s and, v) the decline of the wage at the first …
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are shown to produce different wage distributions and wage inequality. These models are useful to evaluate the general … production function of worker-task pairs lead to rising wage inequality. …
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This paper proposes an assignment model where sorting occurs on attributes including both skills (Sattinger, 1979) and preferences (Tinbergen, 1956). The key feature of this model is that the wage function admits both jobs' and workers' attributes as arguments. Since this function is generically...
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In this paper, we address the problem of estimating transport surplus (a.k.a. matching affinity) in high dimensional optimal transport problems. Classical optimal transport theory species the matching affinity and determines the optimal joint distribution. In contrast, we study the inverse...
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We analyze the effects of taxation in two-sided matching markets where agents have heterogeneous preferences over potential partners. Our model provides a continuous link between models of matching with and without transfers. Taxes generate inefficiency on the allocative margin, by changing who...
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We investigate the role of marital patterns in explaining rising income inequality using a structural marriage matching … explain about 1/3 of the rise in income inequality. The intensive margin (educational assortative mating) has only played a …
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This paper develops a model encompassing both Becker's matching model, and Tinbergen-Rosen's hedonic model. We study its properties and provide identification and estimation strategies. Using data on internal migration in China, we estimate the model and compute equilibrium under counter-factual...
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