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Without participation of the United States, the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, mitigation of global climate change seems hardly conceivable. Despite the U.S. rejection of the Kyoto Protocol and the reluctance of the Bush administration to engage in Post-Kyoto negotiations, recent...
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Ambitious unilateral EU environmental policy has raised concerns about adverse competitiveness implications for … measures to address these concerns in the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS): border tax adjustments (BTA) and the Clean … policy on energy-intensive and export-oriented industries. The regulatory protection of these industries via subsidies for EU …
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Given the coexistent EU priorities concerning the competitiveness of European industries and international emissions … regulation at the company level, this paper assesses the efficiency and competitiveness implications of linking the EU Emissions … equilibrium approach shows that the aggregate welfare impacts of linking the EU ETS are rather limited. We further find that the …
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impacts on the EU. The methodological framework used is based on a multi-country and multi-sectoral computable general … equilibrium model for eleven EU-member states. The emphasis of the analysis lies on the institutional setting of a carbon dioxide … findings of the paper can be summarized as follows: 1) There is some potential for a double dividend in the EU. 2) Coordination …
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greenhouse gas entitlements and to analyse the potential impacts of these rules EU-wide as well as on the level of member states … multi-sectoral computable general equilibrium model for fourteen EU-member states. The major finding of the paper is that … EU economies allows smaller economies not to make full use of the advantages they get through the ability …
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differentiated permit schemes, evaluating the U.S. Acid Rain and RECLAIM Program, and considering the setting in the EU-15 countries … addressed adequately by a differentiated bundle of countermeasures. The general economic impact of an EU-wide permit scheme is …
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