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This assessment of the present context for evolving socio-economic patterns and trends in the United States is intended to support consideration of prospects for gains in income shares among the lower income population, recognising that the United States is: a very large heterogeneous...
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Dans la plupart des pays industrialisés on assiste depuis le début des années 2000 à une stagnation de la mobilité urbaine et du trafic automobile. En France, le Bilan de la Circulation établi par la Commission des Comptes Transport de la Nation montre une rupture de tendance analogue qui...
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Au début de 2011, le Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis a effectué une analyse de la mobilité, axée sur les tendances récentes. Il en est ressorti qu'après un essor remarquable dans les années 80 et 90, la mobilité des personnes dans son ensemble, au niveau national, n'a...
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In most industrialised countries, it can be seen that urban mobility and car traffic have stagnated since the early 2000s. In France, the report on traffic conducted by the National Transport Accounts Commission shows a similar break in the trend, which was confirmed by household travel surveys...
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In early 2011, the Netherlands Institute for Transport Policy Analysis performed a mobility analysis, focussing on recent trends. This analysis showed that, following the remarkable growth in the 1980s and 1990s, the total national mobility of people in the Netherlands has not increased since...
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American driving habits are changing. After decades of steady increases in the amount of driving, the number of vehicles, and the extent of licensed drivers, there now appears to be a shift. The growth is clearly leveling off, and dropping on a per capita basis, even at a time when a vast array...
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In many advanced economies, car use per head, and sometimes total car traffic, has shown low growth. In some countries (and especially cities) it has declined. In a few countries, there have been similar studies of the distance travelled by all modes added together, which has shown a similar...
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Alors que la prise en compte du genre progresse dans différents domaines, elle peine à pénétrer le secteur des transports. Or, que ce soit dans les pays développés ou dans ceux en voie de développement, nos sociétés sont sexuées en ce sens que la place des femmes et des hommes est...
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The existing modal share in Indian cities is in favor of Non-motorized transport (NMT) and public transport. However given the hostile conditions for public transport and increasing risk to pedestrians and cyclists, the use of personal motorized vehicle is increasing. This trend is accompanied...
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While greater account is increasingly being taken of gender in a variety of areas, little progress has been made in this respect in the transport sector. In both developed and developing countries, our societies are gendered in that women and men play different roles, notably because household...
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