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detailed regional facilitating and driving factors related, inter alia, to talent, innovation, skills, networks, accessibility …
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Regions vary strongly according to the participation of firms in R&D activity.By linking data on R&D activity at thefirm level with GIS based data on economic, and other locationfeatures of zoneswe are able to investigate the impactof local factors on R&D involvement for various types of...
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externalities in explaining variation in innovation rates across firms. More specifically, we combine micro-data and census data to … estimate the probability that a firm will introduce a goods, service or process innovation. We consider internal firm … agglomeration variables are only significant for a few specific sectors, and even then only for some types of innovation. …
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-productivity firms in Switzerland. Innovation support sustains firms' R&D activities in both countries. Our structural growth model … identifies the impact of innovation, imitation and R&D costs on firms' R&D decisions. R&D costs gained importance in Switzerland … prioritize enhancing innovation and imitation success over cost reduction to boost productivity growth. …
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Innovation research has become an important topic in regional science analysis. Yet the modelling base of much … innovation research is still feeble. This paper aims to map out the research potential of recent approaches in quantitative … space-economy. The urban context of European innovation processes is used as an empirical background. The paper addresses …
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study the effect of this process innovation on prices at stations that are automated and their competitors using a …
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