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This paper presents a new analytical framework for assessing spatial disparities among countries. It takes for granted that the analysis of a country’s performance cannot be limited solely to either economic or social factors. The aim of the paper is to combine relevant economic and...
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The potential interactions among fiscal policies, investments and economicgrowth are complex and manifold.In this paper, we will perform a systematic comparative analysis of the variouseconomic insights that arecurrently available on these complex relationships, both theoretically (by aselective...
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Using meta-analytical techniques, we focus on 11 studies that explicitly measure the effect of a net migration variable in neoclassical convergence models and derive 57 comparable effect sizes. The data suggest that an increase in the net migration rate of one percentage point increases on...
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consequences of non-participation of the USA in the global coalition, and the associated distributional impacts world-wide. …
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A consistent mapping of all complex ramifications (including direct and indirect effects) of variousgreenhouse policies in an open institutional economy requires the use of a general equilibriumframework. From the existing set of available equilibrium models we have selected the...
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The issue of whether the public sector enhances or retards long-run economic growth has been debated passionately in recent years. In this paper we use meta-analysis to shed light on the issue. A sample of 93 published studies, yielding 123 meta-observations, is used to examine the robustness of...
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International migration has become one of the most debated topics in many developed and developing countries. Host countries are concerned about the socioeconomic consequences of international migration, while sending countries-from a developing country’s perspective-are concerned about the...
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This paper offers an overview of factors that are decisive forproductivity increase in the agricultural sector (bothfarming and agro-food). An attempt is made to explain differences intotal factor productivity in agriculture indifferent countries by means of meta-analysis, in particular, byusing...
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