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The inequality dataset compiled in the 1990s by the World Bank and extendedby the UN has been both widely used and strongly criticized. The criticisms raisequestions about conclusions drawn from secondary inequality datasets in general. Wedevelop techniques to deal with national and...
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We develop a mixed complementarity programming (MCP) based estimating framework for non-tariff barriers (NTBs) to examine the evolution of market access conditions in the textile and clothing sectors, working with a panel of bilateral trade data on textile and clothing trade, underlying...
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We examine the setting of national competition policy in a two-country setting,emphasizing the relationship of trade to the goals of competition policy (suchas the degree and nature of competition). The issues we address involve thegeneral equilibrium distributional effects of competition...
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In this paper we explore linkages between financial services tradeand growth. We offer aformalization of the argument that trade, through the fostering offinancial market integration,may yield important long-run effects related to increasedcompetition. The relationshipsformalized here link...
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This paper is concerned with rules of origin when intermediate goods aredifferentiated. An analytical model emphasizes trade patterns and the relativeimportance of trade in intermediates given trade preferences. Econometric evidencebased on intra-OECD trade in motor vehicles and motor vehicle...
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We examine antitrust rules in a two county general equilibrium trade model, contrasting national and multilateral (cooperative) determination of competition policy, exploring the properties of the policy equilibrium. It is not imperfect competition, but variation in competitive stance between...
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Protection unconstrained by rules often varies substantially over time. Rules-based disciplines likeOECD industrial tariff bindings negotiated under GATT since 1947 and new Uruguay Roundbindings on agricultural and services trade and on developing country industrial tariffs, constrain...
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start with a graphic tour through the mechanics ofgeneral equilibrium theory on trade and wages. This provides a set of …
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We explore dynamic linkages between financial/banking sector openness, financial sector competition, and growth. We first develop an analytical model, highlighting links between long-run economic performance and services trade, through scale economies and market and cost structures in the...
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