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. Real option theory argues that research projects with conditional phases have option-like risk and return properties, and … portfolio risk, and changes diversification arguments when a portfolio is constructed. When R&D projects exhibit option … are different from unconditional projects. We show that although the risk of a portfolio always depends on the correlation …
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Dominance and further toDecreasing Absolute and Increasing Relative Risk Aversion Stochastic Dominance. The efficient sets …
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methods. Our methodology explores the idea that only a small part of the likelihood evaluation problem requires simulation. We …-off encountered by other sampling methods. An elaborate simulation study and an empirical application for U.S. stock returns reveal …
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The linear Gaussian state space model for which the common variance istreated as a stochastic time-varying variable is considered for themodelling of economic time series. The focus of this paper is on thesimultaneous estimation of parameters related to the stochasticprocesses of the mean part...
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In this paper we perform a meta-analysis on empirical estimates of the impact between investment and uncertainty. Since … can explain to a large extent why empirical estimates of the investment-uncertainty relationship differ. …
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We present an accurate and efficient method for Bayesian forecasting of two financial risk measures, Value-at-Risk and …-year-ahead. The latter has recently attracted considerable attention due to the different properties of short term risk and long run … risk. The key insight behind our importance sampling based approach is the sequential construction of marginal and …
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We investigate the major choice of college graduates where we make choice dependent on expected initial wages and expected wage growth per major. We build a model that allows us to estimate these factors semiparametrically and that corrects for selection bias. We estimate the model on the...
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