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We formalize the notion that GATT exceptions such as antidumping and escape clause actions can act as insurance for … sectors and assume incomplete markets so that agents cannot contract insurance. We show that these measures are superior to … uniform tariffs as insurance mechanisms. Moreover, we demonstrate that the optimal uniform policy may not involve a tariff at …
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start with a graphic tour through the mechanics ofgeneral equilibrium theory on trade and wages. This provides a set of …
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is intractable. In this note we prove this comparative static result on risk aversion and wages in general equilibrium …
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because the marginal tax rates, in general equilibrium, impact wages, and hence individual utility. The “progressivity” effect …
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and marketed a rainfall index insurance product across three states in India. Marketing agricultural insurance to both … find that both labor demand and equilibrium wages become more rainfall sensitive when cultivators are offered rainfall … insurance, because insurance induces cultivators to switch to riskier, higher-yield production methods. The same insurance …
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firm is determined by profit maximization under the participation restriction that lowest wages meet reservation wages …. Reservation wages are endogenously determined in the institutional market economy. We give conditions guaranteeing a finite …
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, international competition, and factor supplies. Our empirical model estimates the general equilibrium relationship between wages and … technology, prices, and factor supplies. The model is based on the neoclassical theory of production, and is implemented by …
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's equilibrium implies that positive attributes in one location, like access to downtown or high wages, are offset by negative … attributes, like high housing prices. The employer's equilibrium requires that high wages be offset by a high level of … justify high wages is the basis for the study of agglomeration economies which has been a significant branch of urban …
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We combine two empirical observations in a general equilibrium occupational choice model. The first is that entrepreneurs have more control than employees over the employment of and accruals from assets, such as human capital. The second observation is that entrepreneurs enjoy higher returns to...
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