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decreasing in the substitutability of worker types. This cost of search is then decomposed into three components: unemployment … workers being more choosy. The resulting equilibrium is not efficient. Unemployment benefits can reduce the loss by serving as …
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depreciation upon job loss—and its interaction with labor market institutions. We have three main results, based on a life … between turbulence and institutions explains most of the reduction in labor force participation among older workers in Europe … over this period, but ultimately explains little of the rise in unemployment. Third, only a small share of the increase in …
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This paper studies the relationship between the change in the unemployment rate and output growth using an approach …
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We present a structural framework for the evaluation of public policies intended to increase job search intensity. Most of the literature defines search intensity as a scalar that influences the arrival rate of job offers; here we treat it as the number of job applications that workers send out....
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This research documents changes in employment and wages in the Netherlands for different types of workers. We compare 2017 to 2023 using regression-adjusted wages to make sure changes in composition of the workforce do not influence our estimates. The research period has been characterised by...
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This paper characterizes the equilibrium for a large class of search models with two-sided heterogeneity and on-the-job search. Besides the well-known congestion externalities, we show that on-the-job search in combination with monopsonistic wage setting without commitment creates a...
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evidence of large heterogeneities among demographic groups. Interestingly, unemployment rates in levels across demographic … groups are not necessarily aligned with the sensitivity of these demographic groups’ (un)employment and participation rates …
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The continuing deterioration of the position of low skilled workers in the beginning of the 90's in essentially all industrialized countries is one of the most debated issues in both labor and macro-economics. In this paper a matching model with low and high skilled workers and simple and...
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-Mortensen-Pissarides model. Log linearization under- states the mean and volatility of unemployment, but overstates the volatility of labor … market tightness and the magnitude of the unemployment-vacancy correlation. Log linearization also understates the impulse … responses in unemployment in recessions, but overstates the responses in the market tightness in booms. Finally, the second …
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unemployment that is in line with this empirical regularity and the findings for the other emerging markets and regional peers. We … European debt crisis. When investigating whether various expenditure components of GDP may cause different unemployment … improve forecasting of unemployment. …
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