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This research documents employment opportunities of labour-market entrants during the COVID-19 crisis in the … labour market in the midst of a lockdown. Our estimation results suggest short-term effects of lockdowns on employment …
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decreasing in the substitutability of worker types. This cost of search is then decomposed into three components: unemployment … workers being more choosy. The resulting equilibrium is not efficient. Unemployment benefits can reduce the loss by serving as …
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This paper analyzes the impact of corporate taxes on structural unemployment, using an applied general equilibrium … model for the European Union. We find that the unemployment and welfare effects of corporate taxes differ considerably among …, and the strength of international spillover effects through foreign direct investment. The effect on unemployment is …
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transitions between the states of nonparticipation, unemployed search, and employment. Motivated by a model of household search … nonparticipation (both out of unemployed search and employment) are positively affected by the husband's income (while no effect is … found for transitions out of nonparticipation). Men seem to move from employment into unemployed search easier the higher is …
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This research documents ethnic employment gaps for labour-market entrants in the Netherlands in the period 2006 …-2016. We compare short-term and long-term differences in employment of Dutch graduates with graduates from Moroccan, Turkish … education, which is a group of graduates with many people from ethnic minorities. We document ethnic employment gaps by using an …
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This research documents changes in employment and wages in the Netherlands for different types of workers. We compare … employment has been growing by 2 percent in the period 2017-2023, of which 1.8 percent has been due to additional workers finding … employment. Women have experienced the largest increase in employment, while the employment of men on temporary contracts has …
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Is working more than monetary income? This paper attempts to give an answer to this question on the basis of the German Socio-economic Panel data set. By comparing the satisfaction with life between workers and non-workers with the same household income, the monetary value of participating in...
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We examine the effect of railway travel on urban spatial structure in a polycentric urban land use model. We focus on the role of access to the railway network. We find that if the number of train stations is limited, the degree of urbanization is higher around train stations, but the effect of...
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