Showing 1 - 10 of 214
We analyze communication about the social returns to investment in a public good. We model two agents who have private information about these returns as well as their own taste for cooperation, or social preferences. Before deciding to contribute or not, each agent submits an unverifiable...
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This paper studies the design of tax systems that implement a planner's second-best allocation in a market economy. An example shows that the widely used Mirrleesian (1976) tax system cannot implement all incentive-compatible allocations. Hammond's (1979) "principle of taxation" proves that any...
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unique equilibrium, which is separating. Higher-quality sellers post higher prices, so price signals quality. The arrival … higher continuation values. For some parameter values, higher-quality sellers post the full-information price; for other … values these sellers have to post a higher price to keep lower-quality sellers from mimicking them. In an extension, we show …
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We consider an oligopolistic market where firms compete in price and quality and where consumers are heterogeneous in …-inefficiency of the price/quality offers. But, better price/quality combinations are signalled with lower prices in one type and with …
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In this paper we present a method for using rational expectations in a linear-quadratic optimizationframework. Following the approach put forward by Sims, we solve the model through a QZdecomposition, which is generally easier to implement than the more widely used method of Blanchardand Kahn.
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This experiment compares the price dynamics and bubble formation in an asset market with a price adjustment rule in … three treatments where subjects (1) submit a price forecast only, (2) choose quantity to buy/sell and (3) perform both tasks …. We find deviation of the market price from the fundamental price in all treatments, but to a larger degree in treatments …
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Overconfidence seems to be an essential aspect of human nature, and one way to study overconfidence is to consider students' forecasts of their exam grades. Part of a student's grade expectation is based on the student's previous academic achievements; what remains can be interpreted as...
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We augment the standard cartel formation game from non-cooperative coalition theory, often applied in the context of international environmental agreements on climate change, with the possibility that singletons support coalition formation without becoming coalition members themselves. Rather,...
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