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multivariate density forecasts, based on the Kullback-Leibler Information Criterion (KLIC). The test is valid under general …
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This article presents a bifurcation theory of smooth stochastic dynamical systems that are governed by everywhere positive transition densities. The local dependence structure of the unique strictly stationary evolution of such a system can be expressed by the ratio of joint and marginal...
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We examine the impact of temporal and portfolio aggregation on the quality of Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecasts over a … horizon of ten trading days for a well-diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds and alternative investments. The VaR forecasts … that the degree of temporal aggregation is most important. Daily returns form the best basis for VaR forecasts. Modelling …
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out-of sample forecasting assessment up to seven days ahead. The one-day ahead forecasts from fourty-eight bivariate …
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We review the past 25 years of time series research that has been published in journals managed by the International Institute of Forecasters (Journal of Forecasting 1982-1985; International Journal of Forecasting 1985-2005). During this period, over one third of all papers_new published in these...
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We consider the dynamic factor model where the loading matrix, the dynamic factors and the disturbances are treated as latent stochastic processes. We present empirical Bayes methods that enable the efficient shrinkage-based estimation of the loadings and the factors. We show that our estimates...
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This paper describes a forecasting exercise of close-to-open returns on major global stock indices, based on price patterns from foreign markets that have become available overnight. As the close-to-open gap is a scalar response variable to a functional variable, it is natural to focus on...
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We propose a sieve bootstrap framework to conduct pointwise and simultaneous inference for time-varying coefficient regression models based on a nonparametric local linear estimator. The asymptotic validity of the sieve bootstrap in the presence of autocorrelation is established. We find that it...
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