Showing 1 - 10 of 81
the effect of the reform on the savings and retirement expectations and realizations of two virtually identical male …. We show that retirement expectations are in line with realizations and that the reform increased the labor supply for the …
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Using Italian data, we estimate an option value model to quantify the effectof financial incentives on retirement …
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We present a theory of the relation between health and retirement that generates testable predictions regarding the … interaction of health, wealth and financial incentives in retirement decisions. The theory predicts (i) that wealthier individuals … problems make older workers more responsive to financial incentives encouraging retirement (reinforcement proposition). We test …
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We study the retirement effects on mental health using a fuzzy regression discontinuity design based on the eligibility … status. Retirement of partnered men positively affects mental health of both themselves and their partners. Single men … retiring experience a drop in mental health. Female retirement has hardly any effect on their own mental health or the mental …
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Pensions may be provided for in a modern society by several methods, viz., voluntary individual savings, mandatory fully funded occupational pension systems, and mandatory social security financed by pay-as-you-go. The specific mixture of the three systems we will call the pension composition....
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We estimate the impact of health and financial incentives on the retirement transitions of older workers in Spain … derived as changes in a composite health stock measure over time. We examine labour market exits into both old age retirement … and a broader definition of retirement including inactivity, while controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. We find that …
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A model is presented that explains the mix between funded and unfunded pension systems. It turns out that total pension and the relative shares of the two systems may be explained and are determined by the population growth rate, technological growth, the time-preference discount rate, the...
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We estimate and explain the impact of early retirement of husbands on their wives ́probability to retire within one … approach in which the retirement choice of husbands is instrumented with eligibility rules for generous early retirement … benefits that were temporarily and unexpectedly available to them. We find that early retirement opportunities of husbands …
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