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The asymmetric moving average model (asMA) is extended to allow forasymmetric quadratic conditional heteroskedasticity (asQGARCH). Theasymmetric parametrization of the conditional variance encompassesthe quadratic GARCH model of Sentana (1995). We introduce a framework fortesting asymmetries in...
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In this paper, we present a new time series model, whichdescribes self-exciting threshold autoregressive (SETAR) nonlinearityand seasonality simultaneously. The model is termed multiplicativeseasonal SETAR (SEASETAR). It can be viewed as a special case of ageneral non-multiplicativeSETAR model...
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. At the same time, there is discussion regarding the robustness of the results of empirical growth studies. In a seminal … paper, Knack and Keefer (1997) assess the effect of trust on growth. This paper analyses the robustness of their results … along several dimensions, acknowledging the complexity of therobustness concept. Our findings show that the robustness of …
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In non-experimental sciences the errors associated with model misspecifications in primarystudies carry over to meta-analysis. We use Monte Carlo simulations to analyse the effects ofthese misspecifications on results of a meta-analysis using a meta-estimator that calculates asimple average...
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In economics and finance, speculative bubbles take the form of locally explosive dynamics that eventually collapse. We propose a test for the presence of speculative bubbles in the context of mixed causal-noncausal autoregressive processes. The test exploits the fact that bubbles are...
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distribution. The robustness of the concomitant test statistic is assessed, and four different methods are discussed for applying …
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robustness, conclusions vary from 'almost everycorrelation is fragile' to 'a substantial number of explanatory variables are … robustness using quasi-experiments. The analysis pertains to sign, size andsignificance of the effects, and we relax the quasi …
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orhistorical and Monte Carlo simulation methods. Although these approaches to overall VaR estimation have receivedsubstantial … proposed estimation approach pairs intuitiveappeal with computational efficiency. We evaluate various alternative estimation …
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