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discipline by monitoring counterparty credit risk and theories highlighting that secured loans are less informational sensitive … provide more secured loans to replace unsecured lending, which is not consistent with speculative or precautionary liquidity …
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mathematical tool which can be applied in the assessment of composite financial risk. Copula-based dependence modelling is a … approach to risk modelling is the exibility in the choice of distributions used to model co-dependencies. The practical …
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We experimentally investigate how price expectations are formed in a large asset market where subjects' only task is to forecast the future price of a risky asset. The realized prices depend on these expectations. We observe small (6 participants) and large markets (about 100 participants). In...
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the presidential cycle election (PCE) theory as an alternative explanation. The PCE theory states that incumbent parties … formulate seven different propositions relating to fiscal, monetary, tax, and political implications of PCE theory. We find no … statistically significant evidence confirming the PCE theory as a plausible explanation for the presidential cycle effect. The …
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We develop a New Keynesian model where all payments between agents require bank deposits through deposits-in-advance constraints, bank deposits are created through disbursement of bank loans, and banks face a convex lending cost. At the zero lower bound on deposit rates (ZLBD), changes in policy...
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Recent work on complex adaptive systems for modeling financialmarkets is surveyed. Financia1 markets areviewed as evolutionary systems between different, competing tradingstrategies. Agents are boundedly rational inthe sense that they tend to follow strategies that have performedwell, according...
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This experiment compares the price dynamics and bubble formation in an asset market with a price adjustment rule in three treatments where subjects (1) submit a price forecast only, (2) choose quantity to buy/sell and (3) perform both tasks. We find deviation of the market price from the...
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the insurance sector. The downside risk of insurers is explicitly modelled by common and idiosyncratic risk factors. Since … reinsurance is important for the capacity of insurers, we measure risk dependence among European insurers and reinsurers. The … results point to a relatively low insurance sector wide risk. Dependence among insurers is higher than among reinsurers. …
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This paper studies banks' liquidity provision in the Lagos and Wright model of monetary exchanges. With aggregate … uncertainty we show that banks sometimes exhaust their cash reserves and fail to satisfy their depositors' need of consumption … smoothing. The banking panics can be eliminated by the zero-interest policy for the perfect risk sharing, but the first best can …
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