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We analyze the redistributional (dis)advantages of a minimum wage over income taxation in competitive labor markets, without imposing assumptions on the (in)efficiency of labor rationing. Compared to a distributionally equivalent tax change, a minimum-wage increase raises involuntary...
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This research documents employment opportunities of labour-market entrants during the COVID-19 crisis in the … labour market in the midst of a lockdown. Our estimation results suggest short-term effects of lockdowns on employment …
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industry and employment. These relationsprovide the building blocks of a new industrial policy. The articles areincluded in … Innovation, Industry Evolution and Employment published by CambridgeUniversity Press in 1999. The continued rising unemployment … inevitabletradeoff between greater employment but at the sacrifice of lower wages on theone hand, versus the maintenance of wages and …
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answer the question: What is the contribution of entrepreneurs to (i) employment generation and dynamics, (ii) innovation … very important-but specific-function in the economy. They engender relatively much employment creation, productivity growth … studies show that entrepreneurial firms produce important spillovers that affect regional employment growth rates of all …
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This paper develops a model in which workers are heterogeneous in their intrinsic motivation to work at a firm. We characterise optimal incentive schemes and examine how the firm can attract and select highly motivated workers to fill a vacancy when workers’ motivation is private information....
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By conducting a meta - analysis of the empirical literature on the net employment effects of renewable energy, we … explore the extent to which the reported net employment effects are driven by the applied methodology. We find that the … reported conclusions on net employment effects are to a large extent driven by the methodology that is applied, where …
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This research documents changes in employment and wages in the Netherlands for different types of workers. We compare … employment has been growing by 2 percent in the period 2017-2023, of which 1.8 percent has been due to additional workers finding … employment. Women have experienced the largest increase in employment, while the employment of men on temporary contracts has …
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between agglomeration externalities (specialization, diversity, and competition), accessibilty measures and the employment … growth of a particular industry on a particular site. We use data on employment growth of site-industries on 68 formal …
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employment growth has previously been examined either with no time-lag or with only a short period lag. The current paper … find that the short-run employment impact of new-firm startups in British regions has been bigger in the 1990s compared to … the 1980s. Concerning long-run effects, we find that the employment impact of new-firm startups is strongest after about …
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This paper examines how collective bargaining through unions and workplace codetermination through works councils shape labour market imperfections and how labour market imperfections matter for employer wage premia. Based on representative German plant data for the years 1999-2016, we document...
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