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perturbation theory to derive an approximate tractable expression for this cost adjusted for climatic and economic risk. We allow … for different aversion to risk and intertemporal fluctuations, skewness and dynamics in the risk distributions of climate …
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with real monetary rewards conduEted among students in South Africa to estimate risk and time preferences. These …. (2002, 2005), show that HIV+ agents and participants that perceive to have a high HIV contraction risk are less risk … time preference are not considered simultaneously. We correct for differential mortality risk, risk aversion and …
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Dominance and further toDecreasing Absolute and Increasing Relative Risk Aversion Stochastic Dominance. The efficient sets …
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This paper demonstrates that well-established biases in decision making under uncertainty can generate poverty traps. A theoretical framework is developed to demonstrate that: i) probability weighting and ambiguity attitude can lead individuals to erroneously undervalue profitable investments,...
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defined insurance and non-insurance markets based on the initial loss size, we develop theory to show that insurers with buyer … our theory and find support. Monopolistic insurer-subjects in non-insurance markets increase loss sizes to establish …
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Firms hiring fresh graduates face uncertainty on the future productivity of workers. Theory suggests that starting … if the variance of exam grades is higher and higher if the skew is higher: employers shift the cost of productivity risk … to new hires, but pay for the opportunity to catch a really good worker. Estimating the extent of risk cost sharing …
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This paper empirically analyzes moral hazard in car insurance using a dynamic theory of an insuree's dynamic risk (ex … ante moral hazard) and claim (ex post moral hazard) choices and Dutch longitudinal micro data. We use the theory to …
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Higher order risk preferences are important determinants of economic behaviour. We apply behavioural insights to this … topic: we measure higher order risk preferences for pure gains and pure losses by controlling the reference point. We find a … reflection effect not only for second order risk preferences, as in Kahneman and Tversky 1979, but also for higher order risk …
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We show that if an agent is uncertain about the precise form of his utility function, his actual relative risk aversion … may depend on wealth even if he knows his utility function lies in the class of constant relative risk aversion (CRRA … their risk aversion parameter invest less in risky assets than wealthy investors with identical risk aversion uncertainty. …
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