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literature. In contrast, studies on relative location tend to be weakly linked to theory, but apply relatively sophisticated … appropriateness of such models, and identify areas of potential concern. The rather weak linkage between theory and operational models …
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We estimate the contribution of the American precious metal windfall to West Europe's growth performance in the early modern period. The exogenous nature of American money arrivals allows for identification of monetary effects. We find that more than half of West Europe's growth can be...
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We design a conceptual framework for linking two approaches: the literature on absorptive capacity and the literature on spatial knowledge spillovers. Regions produce new knowledge, but only part of it is efficiently adopted in the economy; the share of efficiently adopted technology depends on...
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To investigate the role of intra-regional trade integration on economic growth in Latin America, we develop a multilevel spatial production network model with time-varying parameters. The theoretical model is established for a multi-country and multi-sectoral economy. The reduced-form...
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allows us to estimate the model in the structural form suggested by theory. The methodology is applied to micro data from a …
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uncertainty, a stochastic version of the Ramsey modelwith livestock as the single asset. We use the estimation results in …
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Regional economic activities require materials that can be extracteddomestically or imported from other regions. Analysis of optimalpatterns ofcombined economic development and materials use should be discussedinrelation to trade and the environment. A model is presented thatoptimiseslong-term...
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Foreign aid’s effectiveness in promoting economic growth remains mired in controversy.We examine the impact of the volatility of aid on economic growth, controlling for the level of aid. A four-year panel analysis is conducted encompassing 155 countries over the period 1966-2001. We find that...
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Economists increasingly pay attention to social capital as an important determinant of macroeconomic growth performance. At the same time, there is discussion regarding the robustness of the results of empirical growth studies. In a seminal paper, Knack and Keefer (1997) assess the effect of...
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