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Uruguay. We apply microsimulation techniques to household survey data and allocate incomes within the household, assuming that … each person retains the income they receive (e.g., earnings, benefits targeting mothers) and pays taxes and social … market (before taxes and benefits) and disposable (after taxes and benefits) income. Our results show that, at the bottom of …
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article describes which data sources are used for the simulation, how key features of the German tax and transfer system are …This article describes ZEW-EviSTA®, the microsimulation model developed and used at ZEW - Centre for European Economic … Research in Mannheim. The model simulates the German tax and transfer system using household micro level data. By estimating …
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assess the role of tax-benefit systems to explain these differences. Using newly developed tax-benefit microsimulations for …, Mozambique, Tanzania, Ethiopia and South Africa. These countries show contrasted situations in terms of income distribution. We … distribution between the contribution of tax-benefit policies versus the contribution of other factors (market income distributions …
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, under the constraint of constant total net tax revenue (fiscal neutrality), the effects of various hypothetical tax … to the current tax-transfer systems. The exercise can be considered as one of empirical optimal taxation, where the … basic income (Universal or Participation Basic Income) and adopting progressive tax-rules. If – besides the fiscal …
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This paper describes IZAΨMOD, the policy microsimulation model of the Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). The model …-employee dataset LIAB. IZAΨMOD consists of three components: First, a static module simulates the effects of a tax-benefit reform on … most other microsimulation tools. A demand module takes into account possible restrictions of labor demand and identifies …
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As part of Germany’s fiscal response to the Covid-19 pandemic, parents received three payments totalling e450 per child. Randomization in the payment dates and daily scanner data allow us to identify the effects of these transfers on household spending. We find a significant but small spending...
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How substantial are means-tested transfers in the United States? How have these transfers evolved over time, and what is their impact on the income distribution? We use microdata from the Survey of Income and Program Participation to document the scope of the main means-tested programs for...
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What would be the aggregate effects of adopting a more generous and universal childcare subsidy program in the U.S.? We answer this question in a life-cycle equilibrium model with joint labor-supply decisions of married households along extensive and intensive margins, heterogeneity in terms of...
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responses in microsimulation models. The paper focuses attention on two methodologies for modelling labour supply: the discrete … models for policy simulation in terms of producing and interpreting simulation outcomes, outlining an extensive literature of … responses but also for identifying optimal tax-benefit systems, given some of the challenges of the theoretical approach …
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components using yearly UK data covering 1977-2018. We examine cash and in-kind benefits, and direct and indirect taxes. In … benefits are largely associated with cyclical changes in average benefit rates. In contrast, trends in the redistributive … effects of direct and indirect taxes are mostly associated with changes in progressivity. For in-kind benefits, changes in the …
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