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earnings in urban China than in urban Russia. This is consistent with the facts that the normal retirement age is strictly …The incidence of working for earnings beyond the normal pension age of 55 for females and 60 for males in urban China …, the probability of working after normal retirement age is positively related to living with a spouse only, being healthy …
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We consider the nexus of intra-household transfers, the sex composition of the sibship, and parental retirement … increasing their labor supply. Consistent with this, we show that parents with more adult sons delay their retirement. In … particular, an elderly parent with all sons has a retirement probability that is 7-10 percentage points lower than a comparable …
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driven exits to retirement, in particular the early exits. …
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structure, and retirement. Our results reveal substantial heterogeneity on labor market effects and life decisions in response …
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It is a challenge for politics that an aging population leads to demands that the retirement age is increasing while … the labour market. However, the regulations have become more restrictive in the last decade and early retirement usually … leads to a lower pension. In this article, we map options for early retirement in other countries. We have found five main …
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concave redistribution may or may not be reversed. With couples only, the ranking of gender retirement ages is always reversed … singles only this implies distortions of retirement decision and restricts redistribution across genders. With couples, a … first best that implies a lower retirement age for females can be implemented by a gender-neutral system. Otherwise, gender …
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Given human longevity, fertility, health and social developments, workers become inactive relatively early throughout Europe. This partially stems from older workers being pushed out of the labour market and from personal motivation to prefer benefits to wages. We focus on this latter effect and...
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In this paper we analyse early retirement pathways for Norwegian male and female workers. We apply a multinomial logit … and local unemployment, are important for the early retirement process. Our findings also indicate that there are several … females. We therefore reject the hypothesis that disability and unemployment are exchangeable pathways into early retirement. …
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Pension reforms that raise minimum retirement age increase the pool of senior individuals aged 50+ who are not eligible … estimate the effects of local changes in the supply of workers aged between 50 and minimum retirement age on youth, prime age …
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Population ageing poses stark dilemmas for labour markets, social protection systems and cultural norms. It will put strong downward pressure on labour supply, leading to falling real incomes and huge financial pressures on social protection systems unless there is an offsetting increase in...
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