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Fundraising for venture capital investments have continued to increase in recent years. One crucial step in the investment process is the valuation of the target company. Investors are faced with the great challenge of valuing a young venture without a corporate or financial history, a firm...
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Teil I Prägungen technologieorientierter Unternehmensgründungen -- Frühe Prägungen akademischer Gründer anhand sozialer Lernprozesse: Einfluss verschiedener Lebensbereiche auf die Gründungsentscheidung am Beispiel von BG Think Tank -- Prägung des unternehmerischen Verhaltens von...
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Techno-entrepreneurship is broadly defined as the entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial activities of both existing and nascent companies operating in technology-intensive environments. Boasting rich conceptual and empirical contributions by leading international specialists, this highly original...
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We estimate differences in innovation behavior between foreign versus U.S.-born entrepreneurs in high-tech industries. Our data come from the Annual Survey of Entrepreneurs, a random sample of firms with detailed information on owner characteristics and innovation activities. We find uniformly...
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The economic expansion of the late 1990s created many opportunities for business creation in Silicon Valley, but the opportunity cost of starting a business was also high during this period because of the exceptionally tight labor market. A new measure of entrepreneurship derived from matching...
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pt. I: Drivers of entrepreneurial activity -- pt. II: Organizing for commercialization in the biopharmaceutical industry -- pt. III: Institutional causes and policy consequences of technology entrepreneurship.
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1. Introduction -- 2. The financing of research and development -- 3. The financing and governance of new technologies -- 4. The globalization of venture capital : the cases of Taiwan and Japan -- 5. Targeting venture capital : lessons from Israel's Yozma Program -- 6. Institutional support for...
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Second tier high-tech regions are taking a different path than their well-known counterparts such as Silicon Valley or Route 128 around Boston. They may lack many prerequisites of growth such as a world-class research university or high levels of venture capital funding. Often, however, they can...
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We study the origins of entrepreneurship (culture) in the United States. For the analysis we make use of a quasi-natural experiment - the gold rush in the second part of the 19th century. We argue that the presence of gold attracted individuals with entrepreneurial personality traits. Due to a...
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Entrepreneurs need all the help they can get on their journey from inspiration to IPO. This book is required reading for any first time entrepreneur, and will make even more sense if you’re a seasoned entrepreneur! I highly commend Christian for embarking on this project and making the startup...
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