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hypothesis that increased stress is one transmission mechanism. Using unique survey data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we … find performance pay consistently and importantly associates with greater stress even controlling for a long list of … pay and stress. The risk tolerant receiving performance pay suffer less stress than the risk averse. …
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We study how the transparency of welfare systems affects labor market outcomes of unemployed workers in a large-scale field experiment. Our low-cost information intervention uses a personalized online tool that informs benefit recipients about their personal risk of a benefit reduction when not...
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. Previous research from the US argues that alcohol use as a form of "self-medication" may be a natural response to the stress …
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Using linked employer-employee data for Finland we examine associations between job design and ten measures of worker wellbeing. In accordance with Karasek's (1979) model we find positive correlations between many aspects of worker wellbeing and job control. However, contrary to the model, job...
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and beyond. In this paper, we analyze the impact of prenatal stress on cognitive and non-cognitive development of the … in-utero to maternal stress do not have different birth-weight relative to those who were not exposed, yet by age 2 … exposed to in utero stress. We also find that the negative impacts are observed if in-utero stress occurs during the first …
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-the-job-leisure, the higher the levels of stress during their work tasks. A back-of-the-envelope calculation based on time use data over … related to increases in worker stress. In analyzing workers' effort and stress during market work activities we contribute to …
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relationship between exposure to stress and overall health is shown. Apparently, the increase in mortality can be explained by the … increase in individual stress levels after the economic, cultural and political consequences of reunification. …
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improve self-control and reduce stress. We conduct the experiment with 139 participants, half of whom receive a four …-related behaviours. We find evidence that mindfulness training reduces perceived stress, but only weak evidence on its impact on …
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This paper uses microdata from Brazilian natality and mortality vital statistics between 2000 and 2010 to estimate the impact of in-utero exposure to local violence – measured by homicide rates - on birth outcomes. The estimates show that exposure to violence during the first trimester of...
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survey of U.S. households, we document the prevalence of financial stress in U.S. households and a strong relationship … between financial stress and measures of financial constraints. We incorporate financial stress into an otherwise standard … requires two equally important components: financial stress itself and naivete about financial stress. Specifically …
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