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The study examines the socio-economic determinants of physical health among populations experiencing food insecurity … by an economic recession are associated with deteriorated physical health of food-insecure people. Moreover, the study … found that physical health deteriorations among food-insecure people are associated with older age, female gender …
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This paper studies how wealth and health inequalities have interacted with the Covid-19 epidemic in a way that has … reinforced inequalities in income, savings, epidemic risk and even individual preventive behaviors. We present in more detail two … papers and their theoretical and empirical results. Recovery and contamination rates are functions of an individual's health …
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income reflects better the adverse psychosocial effect of low relative income on health. Hounkpatin et al. pit against each … psychosocial effect of individual i's low relative income on his health. …There is a presumption that when an individual's comparison of his income with the incomes of others in his comparison …
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Society drifts apart in many dimensions. Economists focus on income of the poor and rich and the distribution of income … of multidimensional polarization we extend the income dimension by time, a pre-requisite and fundamental resource of any … polarization we allow compensation between time and income, parameters of a CES-type subjective well-being function, where a …
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the IMD poverty regimes. Important result: self-employed with regard to single income poverty, single time poverty and … interdependent multidimensional time and income poverty in both years are much more affected by time and income poverty than all … population are not able to compensate their time deficit even by an above poverty income. These people are neglected so far …
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We study whether exposure to COVID-19 has affected individual aversion to health and income inequality in the UK, Italy … unemployment), income and health directly linked to COVID-19. We find that conditioned on risk aversion and relevant covariates … (income, education, demographics), individuals who have experienced either a health or an financial shock during the COVID-19 …
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In this paper we look at the relationship between health and income as mediated by "lifestyle" choices; that is, a set … of behaviours which are thought to influence health and are generally considered to invoke a substantial degree of free … choice. The main underlying assumption is that individuals are co-producers of their own health. We first present a …
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analysed by gender. Basic results are: health worsens, income declines and satisfaction is poorer with higher body mass index …Based on the German Socio-Economic Panel, the influence of the body mass index on health, earnings and satisfaction is … determined, the health estimates show nonlinear effects but the direction of action is unchanged. Effects on earnings differ …
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We investigate long-run effects of episodes of hunger experienced as a child on health status and behavioral outcomes … suggest that individual behavior is a pathway between early life shocks and adult health: We find that those who experienced … hunger spend a larger fraction of income on food. Taken together, our results confirm that in addition to the well …
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We estimate the effect of additional pension income on mortality outcomes by exploring the eli- gibility criteria of a … to a 2-month delay in age at death (censored at 75). Survey evidence suggests that additional pension income improves … both mental and physical health. In addition, individuals feel less financially constrained and are more optimistic about …
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