Showing 1 - 10 of 88
altruism, reputational concerns, and material incentives. We present an analysis of a unique data set that combines an … experimental measure of altruism, surveyed measures of other factors including reputational concerns, and call records from … explanations, we find that altruism and reputational concerns are positively associated with the decision to volunteer. Moreover …
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experiment corroborates these findings and confirms that donors are motivated by the economic value of the items offered. We also … overestimated. -- Incentives ; altruism ; public good provision ; pro-social behavior ; public health …
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Discrimination in access to public services can act as a major obstacle towards addressing racial inequality. We examine whether racial discrimination exists in access to a wide spectrum of public services in the US. We carry out an email correspondence study in which we pose simple queries to...
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over-estimation of social preferences in the student population. -- methodology ; selection bias ; laboratory experiment … ; field experiment ; other-regarding behavior ; social preferences ; social approval ; experimenter demand …
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majors and non-majors are less likely to contribute than comparable men. -- Altruism ; public goods …
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This paper presents a theory explaining the labor market matching process through microeconomic incentives. There are heterogeneous variations in the characteristics of workers and jobs, and firms face adjustment costs in responding to these variations. Matches and separations are described...
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Based on data from a cross section of U.S. metro areas, we show that public employment correlates negatively with business cycle volatility, hinting at a stabilizing effect of public employment, while public wages correlate weakly and positively with business cycle volatility, hinting at a...
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Empirical analyses of the effects of public and private pensions on household saving impose strong assumptions in order to obtain a tractable empirical model: fixed retirement and pension claiming ages, no borrowing constraint, little or no uncertainty, and no institutional restrictions on...
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This paper examines effects of the U.S. Immigration Act of 1990 on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) degree completion and labor market outcomes for native-born Americans. The Act increased the in-flow and stock of foreign STEM workers in the U.S., both by increasing green...
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