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A sizeable literature analyses how immigration affects attitudes towards migrants and discusses differences between … background of the large-scale influx of refugees into Germany between 2015 and 2016, this paper uses data from a unique and … representative survey of the German population to assess whether respondents express fears of job loss due to immigration. We focus …
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This paper examines whether immigrants increase the likelihood of unemployment among native-born workers in the European Union. Earlier papers measure the presence of immigrants in the local labor market by computing the share of the foreigners in specific regions. This paper, instead, utilizes...
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suffers more from further immigration in Germany than in the UK. -- immigration ; unemployment ; wages ; labor markets ; panel …We investigate the labor market effects of immigration in Denmark, Germany and the UK, three countries which are … shocks, and, hence, the labor market effects of immigration. We employ a wage-setting approach which assumes that wages …
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training. Finally, we show that other poor labor market outcomes of visible minority immigrants, including their wages and …
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suggest that immigration exhibits negative effects on native employment and wages, and has no effects on total employment …. Imports affect employment negatively and exports have a positive effect on wages. The German results indicate that immigration …Trade and migration have become more important in recent years for Austria and Germany. The transition in Central and …
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wages. We use Belgian linked panel data and rely on the methodology from Hellerstein et al. (1999) to estimate ORU (over …
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across-the-border work is likely to be more common. There is no robust evidence on an impact on employment or wages. At least …
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Immigration to the UK has risen over time. Existing studies of the impact of immigration on the wages of native … immigration reduces the wages of immigrants relative to natives. We show this using a pooled time series of British cross … means that there is little discernable effect of increased immigration on the wages of native-born workers, but that the …
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empirical analysis consistently reveal that the policy change has no detectable impact on the employment rate, wages, over … effective use of migrants' skills provides scope for close coordination between immigration and employment policy to ensure that …
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following changes to UK immigration policy, especially the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme and the introduction of the … sluggish performance of the UK economy and the attitudes towards (increased) immigration displayed by political parties …
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