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We develop a simple model of household time allocation decisions under strong functional form assumptions regarding … preferences and household production technology. We argue that the specification is general when allowing for unrestrictive forms … market hours and time spent in household production, we estimate the marginal distribution of male and female characteristics …
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We formulate a model of household behavior in which cooperation is costly and in which these costs vary across … decisions are not. Small changes in state variables may result in large changes in labor supplies when the household switches … large gains in aggregate labor supply by adopting policies which promote cooperative household behavior. -- household time …
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There is some controversy in the field of household economics regarding the efficiency of household decisions. We make … the point that a flexible specification of spousal preferences and the household production technology precludes the … possibility of using revealed preference data on household time allocations to determine the manner in which spouses interact …
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In this paper we consider an empirical collective household model of time allocation for two-earner households. The … novelty of this paper is that we estimate a version of the collective household model, where the internally produced goods and … are equally weighted in the household utility function; (3) Differences in the ratio of the partners' hourly wages are …
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In this paper an empirical model is developed where the collective household model is used as a basic framework to … describe the time allocation problem. The collective model views household behavior as the outcome of maximizing a household … individual utility functions and the household power weight distribution, which is parameterized per household. The model is …
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time to different activities. In order to do so, we empirically estimate a collective household labor supply model. The … main findings are that: (1) Leisure and household income are the most important variables in the utility function of the … male; (2) Leisure, total household production and total household production interacted with family size are important …
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