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affected by cognitive skills and gender. We find that cognitive ability (measured by the percentile ranking for university … IQ measures to proxy cognitive skills. However we do find that gender matters. While young women are significantly more … between the impact of gender on risk attitudes and the hypothetical lottery investment suggests that impatience and framing …
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hypotheses as to why there is a part-time pay advantage in Australia. -- part-time ; full-time ; efficiency hours ; gender …
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able to shift into investing in the skills in which labour demand was increasing. By 1987, Australian women were more … study. -- Higher education ; gender ; Australia …
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We test for gender discrimination by sending fake CVs to apply for entry-level jobs. Female candidates are more likely … ; field experiments ; employment ; gender …
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Using Portuguese data, this paper investigates the effects of job search methods on escape rates from unemployment and of job-finding methods on earnings. The effectiveness of the job search process is also evaluated in terms of the periodicity of the resulting job match. Emphasis is accorded...
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This paper examines the determinants of unemployment duration in a competing risks framework with two destination states, namely, inactivity and employment. The major innovation is our recognition of defective risks. We first use a polynomial hazard function to test for the presence of...
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Atypical employment, such as temporary, on-call, and contract work, has been found disproportionately to attract the jobless. But there is no consensus in the literature as to the labour market consequences of such job choice by unemployed individuals. Using data from the Current Population...
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