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We propose various semiparametric estimators for nonlinear selection models, where slope and intercept can be separately identifed. When the selection equation satisfies a monotonic index restriction, we suggest a local polynomial estimator, using only observations for which the marginal...
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Applied work often studies the effect of a binary variable ("treatment") using linear models with additive effects. I study the interpretation of the OLS estimands in such models when treatment effects are heterogeneous. I show that the treatment coefficient is a convex combination of two...
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We propose a new model-selection algorithm for Regression Discontinuity Design, Regression Kink Design, and related IV estimators. Candidate models are assessed within a 'placebo zone' of the running variable, where the true effects are known to be zero. The approach yields an optimal...
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Quantile factor models (QFM) represent a new class of factor models for high-dimensional panel data. Unlike approximate factor models (AFM), which only extract mean factors, QFM also allow unobserved factors to shift other relevant parts of the distributions of observables. We propose a quantile...
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This paper develops a novel wild bootstrap procedure to construct robust bias-corrected (RBC) valid confidence intervals (CIs) for fuzzy regression discontinuity designs, providing an intuitive complement to existing RBC methods. The CIs generated by this procedure are valid under conditions...
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The standard approach to the estimation of unemployment persistence assumes that quantile parameter heterogeneity does not matter. Using panel quantile autoregression techniques on state-level data for the United States (1980-2010), we suggest that it does.
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In this paper, we employ a partially linear nonparametric additive regression estimator, with recent U.S. Current Population Survey data, to analyze returns to schooling. Similar to previous research, we find that blacks and Hispanics have higher rates of return on average. However, for married...
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We consider nonparametric identification and estimation in a nonseparable model where a continuous regressor of interest is a known, deterministic, but kinked function of an observed assignment variable. This design arises in many institutional settings where a policy variable (such as weekly...
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Using normalized regression equations, we propose an alternative estimator of industrial gender wage gaps which is identified in the sense that it is invariant to the choice of an unobserved non-discriminatory wage structure, and to the choice of the reference groups of any categorical...
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Recent research exploits a variety of natural experiments that create exogenous variation in annual school days to estimate the average effect of formal schooling on students' academic achievement. However, the extant literature's focus on average effects masks potentially important variation in...
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