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labour market imperfections and how labour market imperfections matter for employer wage premia. Based on representative … German plant data for the years 1999-2016, we document that labour market imperfections are the norm rather than the … exception. Wage mark-downs, that is wages below the marginal revenue product of labour rooted in employers' monopsony power, are …
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. We solve (i) for the Markov perfect equilibria with no commitment, under the assumption that the union chooses wages each … entire (infinite) sequence of wages. We conclude that the speed of adjustment of employment, that is higher in the … employment and wages only in the no-commitment case, i.e., the higher the relevance of adjustment costs the higher the wage and …
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This paper shows that outsourcing of parts of workforce in unionized firms leads to wage moderation both in the case of strategic and flexible outsourcing and as long as the share of the outsourced workforce is not too large, this wage-moderation effect on domestic employment outweighs the...
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In oligopsonistic labour markets, firms have some market power, and a wedge is created between wages and marginal … different institutions can affect this inefficiency. Industry-level minimum wages can remove the training inefficiency and … achieve first-best. Trade unions might also remedy the market failure, in two ways. First, if an industry-wide union has a …
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find that a 10% increase in labor market concentration decreases hires by 12.4% and the wages of new hires by nearly 0 …How does employer market power affect workers? We compute the concentration of new hires by occupation and commuting ….9%, as hypothesized by monopsony theory. Based on a simple merger simulation, we find that a merger between the top two …
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This paper presents the first longitudinal estimates of the effect of work-related training on labor market outcomes in … market outcomes, we apply a regression-adjusted matched difference-in-differences approach with entropy balancing to account …, and regional labor market context. The gains are highest for middle-aged men with formal vocational education working in …
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the labor market. Its impact on employment, wages and wealth depends crucially on the design of immigration policy … consequences of immigration for a host country's labor market. The most important theoretical arguments are presented and evaluated …
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prior estimates by including ripple effects beyond the wages earned or taxes paid directly by migrants. The sharp reduction …
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moderating effect and also because employment of low-paid workers is more elastic to wages. We test these theoretical predictions …
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