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We evaluate a temporary public sector employment program targeted at individuals with weak labor market attachment, applying dynamic inverse probability weighting to account for dynamic selection. We show that the program is successful in increasing employment and reducing social assistance....
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Longer term exposure to high poverty neighbourhoods can affect individual socio-economic outcomes later in life. Previous research has shown strong path dependence in individual neighbourhood histories. A growing literature shows that the neighbourhood histories of people is linked to the...
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Can the effects of early childhood trauma persist across generations, impacting the long-run outcomes of their children? To answer this question, we exploit the geographic variation in the intensity of the Great Famine in China and distinguish the effects of exposures during four stages of...
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Do individuals choose their reference groups, i.e. their Joneses, or are they culturally transmitted across generations? We provide evidence that feeds the theoretical debate about the endogeneity or exogeneity of reference groups. Our findings for Uruguay suggest that reference groups are...
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Inflows; this is true across the distribution of Total Inflows, as well as at all levels of net wealth. Gifts and inheritances … inheritances have very little effect on the distribution of Total Inflows, suggesting that inheritance taxes may do little to … mitigate wealth inequality. …
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This study estimates intergenerational correlations in mid-life wealth across three generations, and a young fourth … on parents' wealth, grandparents' wealth is weakly positively associated with grandchild's wealth and the parent …-child correlation is basically unchanged if we control for grandparents' wealth. Bequests and gifts strikingly account for at least 50 …
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Rising wealth inequality has spurred an increased interest in understanding how and why wealth is correlated across … generations. We exploit plausibly exogenous variation in housing wealth driven by home price changes in different areas to isolate … the causal impact of parental housing wealth during different childhood periods on children's long-run wealth accumulation …
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We present the first estimates of intergenerational wealth correlation for Australia, using HILDA. The rank correlation … varies greatly by child age when wealth is observed, from 0.1 before age 30, to 0.5 after age 40. Most children in our … estimation sample are young. For these children overall, the estimate is 0.253. Our comparable estimate for the USA is 0 …
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traditional income data. We find that intergenerational SWB mobility - as measured by subjective wealth and life satisfaction … - exists. While daughters have less subjective wealth and life satisfaction than sons, daughters have higher transmission of …
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bequests as potential determinants of the high level of wealth concentration in the US. Analyzing the joint distribution of …. Nonetheless, concentration of labor earnings is the primary source of wealth concentration in the US. This finding reflects the … high correlation between earnings and wealth in the data, as well as the fact that earnings are a major source of income …
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