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We use British panel data to determine the exogenous impact of income on a number of individual health outcomes: general health status, mental health, physical health problems, and health behaviors (drinking and smoking). Lottery winnings allow us to make causal statements regarding the effect...
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We collect data on operations, targets and human resources management practices in over 1,800 schools educating 15-year …-olds in eight countries. Overall, we show that higher management quality is strongly associated with better educational … outcomes. The UK, Sweden, Canada and the US obtain the highest management scores closely followed by Germany, with a gap to …
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administrative data on secondary Italian students to the management scores of their school principals in 2011 and 2015 based on the … World Management Survey methodology. The frequent turnover of school principals over this period allows us to causally … interpret school-fixed-effect estimates. We find that management quality positively and substantially impacts standardized math …
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the World Management Survey, a methodology that enables us to construct robust measures of management quality comparable …
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We examine the impact of management practices on firm performance among SMEs in Britain over the period 2011 …-2014, using a unique dataset which links survey data on management practices with firm performance data from the UK's official … business register. We find that SMEs are less likely to use formal management practices than larger firms, but that such …
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We present evidence from a firm level experiment in which we engineered an exogenous change in managerial compensation from fixed wages to performance pay based on the average productivity of lower-tier workers. Theory suggests that managerial incentives affect both the mean and dispersion of...
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institutions. We design and conduct the world's first management practices survey in these colleges (based on the World Management … controls suggest that structured management matters for educational outcomes (e.g. upper secondary qualifications), especially … percentile of management practices to the 90th, this would be associated with 8% higher probability of achieving a good high …
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The management practices employers deploy may affect the utility workers derive from their jobs, potentially affecting … employers' use of high involvement management (HIM) practices may influence workers' retirement intentions. Using linked survey …
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The capital-to-labor ratio has steadily risen in the U.S. and elsewhere during the post-WWII period. Since the 1970s this rise has been accompanied by a rise in the level and variability of corporate profits whereas the labor share of income has declined. In this paper we ask whether these...
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