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uncertainty, where the probabilities of outcomes are not known but perceived, resulting in ambiguous probabilities. In this … react to uncertainty from Frank Knight (1921) to the present day. Recognizing that entrepreneurs face uncertainty rather …
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the scenarios of both certainty and uncertainty. We capture the direct interest rate-hysteresis on the investments and the … of a central bank's interest rate policy, e.g. in times of low or even zero interest rates and high uncertainty, in terms …
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-whole (full) compensation and mean and median work incomes. Given that consumption uncertainty associated with compensation …
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of uncertainty and of rationing efficiency. We show that regulatory uncertainty does not diminish the rationale for … intervention, but may require a low minimum wage that may not bind. With expected earnings-maximization, greater uncertainty widens …
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risk preferences. Here, we develop an analogous tool for choice under uncertainty - the ambiguity triangle - and show that …
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surge in the stock market would be self-correcting. Recent papers have discussed the role of "uncertainty" and its … measurement in influencing economic decisions. They attempt to measure uncertainty by indexes of volatility of the stock market …, GDP, forecaster disagreement, mentions of uncertainty in news media, and the dispersion of productivity shocks to firms …
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In this paper, we describe a novel iterative procedure called SISTA to learn the underlying cost in optimal transport problems. SISTA is a hybrid between two classical methods, coordinate descent ("S"-inkhorn) and proximal gradient descent ("ISTA"). It alternates between a phase of exact...
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This paper presents a tractable framework for studying frictionless matching in school, work, and marriage when individuals have heterogeneous social and cognitive skills. In the model, there are gains to specialization and team production, but specialization requires communication and...
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The prisoner's dilemma (PD) is arguably the most important model of social dilemmas, but our knowledge about how a PD's material payoff structure affects cooperation is incomplete. In this paper we investigate the effect of variation in material payoffs on cooperation, focussing on one-shot PD...
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Utilitarianism is the most prominent family of social welfare functions. We present three new axiomatic characterizations of utilitarian (that is, additively separable) social welfare functions in a setting where there is risk over both population size and the welfares of individuals. First, we...
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