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This paper studies the impact of "nudges" on taxpayers with varying tax compliance histories in Papua New Guinea. We … declaration due dates and provide information about the public benefits from paying tax. We find that the treatments increased the … number of tax declarations filed without increasing the amount of tax paid because the taxpayers who responded to the nudges …
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We evaluate the effectiveness of a more progressive tax scheme in raising government revenues. We develop a life …-cycle economy with heterogeneity and endogenous labor supply. Households face a progressive income tax schedule, mimicking the … Federal Income tax, and flat-rate taxes that capture payroll, state and local taxes and the corporate income tax. We …
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We examine economic growth, inequality and education when the wellspring of growth is the formation of human capital through a combination of the quality of child-rearing and formal schooling. The existence of multiple steady states is established, including a poverty trap, wherein children work...
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. The subsidy, introduced in Spain in 2008, is conditional on young adults renting accommodation, and it amounts to almost …
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transitory differences ; earnings instability ; covariance structure ; minimum distance ; temporary employment ; Spain …
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This paper studies the public sector wage gap in Spain, by gender, skill level and type of contract, using recent … administrative data from tax records. We estimate wage distributions in the presence of covariates separately for men and women in …
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of firing costs offset each other. -- Dismissal costs ; payroll tax ; evaluation of labour market reforms ; difference …-in-difference ; matching model ; Spain …
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While much of the literature that investigates the part-time (PT) / full-time (FT) hourly wage differential and its causes focuses on average effects, very few studies analyze the heterogeneous effects of PT work across different subgroups, despite the policy relevance of understanding channels...
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The aim of this paper is to evaluate various aspects of a family friendly law (Act 39/99) approved in Spain in 1999 …
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Immigration policy can have important net fiscal effects that vary by immigrants' skill level. But mainstream methods to estimate these effects are problematic. Methods based on cashflow accounting offer precision at the cost of bias; methods based on general equilibrium modeling address bias...
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