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Using field and laboratory experiments, we demonstrate that the complexity of incentive schemes and worker bounded … rationality can affect effort provision, by shrouding attributes of the incentives. In our setting, complexity leads workers to … cause large shifts in behavior. Our results illustrate important implications of complexity for designing and regulating …
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Subjective expectations about future policy play an important role in individuals' welfare. We examine how workers …' expectations about pension reform vary with proximity to reforms, information cost, and aggregate information acquisition. We …-level representative survey data on expectations about future reforms and country-level data on online search. We find: (1) Expectations …
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We combine a customized survey and randomized controlled trial (RCT) to study the effect of higher-order beliefs on U.S. retail investors' portfolio allocations. We find that investors' higher-order beliefs about stock market returns are correlated with but distinct from their first-order...
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informal competition have worse expectations on future sales growth, which in turn are associated with a lower probability of …
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leverage the dynamic nature of response-time data from repeated strategic interactions to measure the strategic complexity of a … characteristics of play in the previous round). We find that strategic complexity varies significantly across situations, and we find … considerable heterogeneity in how responsive subjects' thinking times are to complexity. We also study how variation in response …
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In this paper we conduct a laboratory experiment to test the extent to which Moore and Repullo's subgame perfect … mechanism should - in theory - provide incentives for truth-telling, many buyers in fact believe that they can increase their …
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' willingness to act play a role? We conduct an online experiment within a survey of nearly 2000 Indian men, focusing on activism to …
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We use novel survey data to estimate how personal experiences affect household expectations about aggregate economic … systematically extrapolate from recent locally experienced home prices when asked for their expectations about US house price changes … distribution over expected future national house price movements. We find similar results for labor market expectations, where we …
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Research has shown that procrastination has signicant adverse effects on individuals, including lower savings and poorer health. Procrastination is typically modeled as resulting from present bias. In this paper we study an alternative: excessively optimistic beliefs about future demands on an...
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We perform an incentivized experiment designed to assess the accuracy of beliefs about characteristics and decisions … information is readily available as in height and weight. We present evidence from our experiment that limited attention and self …
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