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, the hypothesis that input quality and plant productivity are complementary in generating output quality. We embed this …
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We study adoption by more than 150,000 households of an optional transitional water tariff implemented in the South-East of England in conjunction with an universal metering programme. We document how inertia leads customers to relinquish substantial financial gains, with less than a third of...
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trade shocks on product and labor market power, we exploit China's reductions in input and output tariffs upon its accession … and labor market power. Reducing tariffs on intermediate inputs has increased a firm's price-cost markup but decreased the …
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The financial crisis has re-ignited the fierce debate about the merits of financial globalization and its implications for growth, especially for developing countries. The empirical literature has not been able to conclusively establish the presumed growth benefits of financial integration....
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This paper investigates the feasibility of creating a common-currency union consisting of 16 countries in Southern Africa. We estimate an augmented-gravity model that includes public deficit, public debt, public expenditure, inflation, and the foreign reserves position. We also integrate...
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Beginning in the late 1970s, China's economy delivered the largest growth spurt in recorded history. Striking discontinuity between recent outcomes and the economic experience of the prior 200 years invites portrayal of recent events as a "China miracle" that requires neither economic nor...
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income/productivity levels in the immigrants home countries. We make progress towards addressing endogeneity by specifying a …
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of regional integration on labor productivity and firms' probability to innovate using data from a panel of 170 economies … cooperation and integration, can positively contribute to labor productivity and innovation, in addition to known factors of …
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Germany. We examine their effect on today's productivity, wages, income, rents, education, and population density at the … with higher rents as well as higher productivity, wages, and education levels. We examine whether today's economic …
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Although market concentration is one of the main impediments to productivity growth globally, data constraints have … the effects of local industry concentration on productivity. The main results show that a decline by 10 points in the … factor productivity of revenue. Local industry concentration also has heterogeneous effects on productivity across industries …
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