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The global microfinance movement is driven by the claim that once poor micro-entrepreneurs are provided access to … substantiate this claim. This paper reports on a field experiment conducted in Pakistan, in co-operation with Akhuwat microfinance … microfinance institutions in Pakistan. …
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This paper examines the impact of micro-credit on employment. Household-level data was collected, following a quasi-experimental design, in Bangladesh and Pakistan. Three borrower groups are compared: Current borrowers; Pipeline borrowers and Non-borrowers. Pipeline borrowers are included to...
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Many poverty, safety net, training, and other social programs utilize multiple screening criteria to determine … multidimensional poverty measures (and their components) that address key participant deficits. We apply our methods to a BRAC ultra-poverty … program in Bangladesh, and find that our measures of multidimensional poverty have fallen significantly for participants. This …
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programs despite modest global research evidence for micro-finance impacts on nominal incomes. Second, results argue strongly …
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Poverty maps are a useful tool for the targeting of social programs on areas with high concentrations of poverty …. However, a static focus on poverty ignores the temporal dimension of poverty. Thus, current nonpoor households still face … substantial welfare volatility and are at risk of becoming poor in the face of shocks. We combine the methods of poverty mapping …
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Vietnam is widely regarded as a success story for its impressive economic growth and poverty reduction in the last few …. Furthermore, this inequality gap is rising over time. Despite the country's fast poverty reduction, the poor were increasingly … segregated in certain provinces. We find beneficial impact of economic growth on poverty reduction, but this can depend on …
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Estimates of the number of people living in extreme poverty, as reported by the World Bank, figure prominently in … international development dialogue and policy. An assumption underpinning these poverty counts is that there are no economies of … of global estimates of extreme poverty to changing this assumption. The analysis rests on nationally representative …
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microfinance type based on the major factors determining micro, small and medium enterprises' access to credit from microfinance … institutions in the era of financial liberalization. The data for the study were gleaned from fourteen microfinance institutions … rationing is not influenced by the microfinance types but by the individual microfinance institutions. …
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This paper investigates a relationship between economic governance and the dual objectives of Microfinance Institutions … (MFIs): poverty reduction and financial viability. Using an unbalanced panel of 531 MFIs the important role of other … availability and lesser time in securing property enhances the chances of MFIs in achieving their poverty reduction objective …
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sex in order to analyze the gender of debt and its interplay with caste and poverty, based on descriptive statistics and … women's behavior is constrained by family affiliation, poverty level and caste, all of which affects men much less. Last, in …, likely to strengthen the association between debt and poverty for women, and in particular to exacerbate female …
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