Showing 1 - 10 of 24
This paper develops residual-based monitoring procedures for cointegrating polynomial regressions (CPRs), i.e., regression models including deterministic variables and integrated processes, as well as integer powers, of integrated processes as regressors. The regressors are allowed to be...
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This is a simulation-based warning note for practitioners who use the MGLS unit root tests in the context of structural change using different selection lag length criteria. With T=100 , we find severe oversize problems when using some criteria, while other criteria produce an undersizing...
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In this paper we evaluate the performance of several structural break tests under various DGPs. Concretely we look at size and power properties of CUSUM based, LM and Wald volatility break tests. In a simulation study we derive the properties of the tests under shifts in the unconditional and...
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This paper extends the popular Diebold-Mariano test to situations when the forecast error loss differential exhibits long memory. It is shown that this situation can arise frequently, since long memory can be transmitted from forecasts and the forecast objective to forecast error loss...
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We extend the monitoring of structural breaks in classic cointegration proposed by Wagner and Wied (2017) to explicitly allow for fractional cointegration and breaks in these fractional relations with possible deterministic trends. To estimate the parameters we use a fully modified OLS estimator...
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This paper studies long economic series to assess the long-lasting effects of pandemics. We analyze if periods that cover pandemics have a change in trend and persistence in growth, and in level and persistence in unemployment. We find that there is an upward trend in the persistence level of...
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We consider the problem of testing for a structural break in the spatial lag parameter in a panel model (spatial autoregressive). We propose a likelihood ratio test of the null hypothesis of no break against the alternative hypothesis of a single break. The limiting distribution of the test is...
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This paper examines long memory volatility in international stock markets. We show that long memory volatility is widespread in a panel dataset of eighty-two countries and that the degree of memory in the panel can be related to macroeconomic variables such as short- and long-run interest rates...
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Since 1970 nearly all-Mediterranean countries of the EC had undertaken measures to regulate their domestic market for ordinary wines, in the context of constant fall in domestic demand for that product. This paper provides an empirical modelling framework for understanding the effect on the...
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A common finding in the empirical literature is that financial volatility exhibits high persistence, or slow mean reversion of the order of months. We present evidence that financial volatility data contains more than a single time scale. After showing that the expectation of the sum of the...
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